
Reconstruction, modeling, animation and digital fabrication of 'architectures on paper'. Two ideal houses by Carlo Mollino


This paper develops some consideration about the issues raised by the reconstruction of 'architectures on paper' of contemporary masters.Generally archival drawings are patchy and fragmented and refer to different ideative moments and paths of inspiration that lend themselves to numerous and different interpretative readings. Moreover it's necessary a careful analysis of the author's poetics and significance of his work. Digital methods and techniques of representation, ranging from 3D modeling, video producing and digital fabrication, should be carefully selected and adapted to the characteristics identified through the interpretation of the project and what it is intended to communicate. In the cases studies of Mollino's 'ideal houses' were tested the capabilities of BIM modeling for this aims.


Digital reconstruction; modeling; animation; digital fabrication; unbuilt architectures; Mollino

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano