
Reverse designing: an integrated method for interpreting ancient architecture


Research on architectural archaeology conducted by archaeologists, architects, engineers – and more recently by computer scientists – is characterized by different goals and methodologies. Only sometimes does this result in profitable contributions. Instead, attitudes very often remain deeply rooted in single-discipline vision unable to communicate or interact with each other in the best interest of the subject of the research in question. In this paper, by means of a series of case studies, we intend to outline the principles of “reverse designing,” that is the integrated set of methods and skills enabling the retracings of the steps taken by the ancient builder.


Reverse modelling; terrestrial laser scanner; photogrammetry; treatise; ancient designing techniques; Vitruvius; Heron of Alexandria; Columella; gromatici veteres

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Copyright (c) 2016 Benedetta Adembri, Luca Cipriani, Filippo Fantini, Silvia Bertacchi

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano