
Lighting design for monumental complex: a case study


As part of the restoration of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna, research was carried out, and certain design proposals were formulated which offer food for thought and give new light to the monumental complex within the context in which it is located, in the system of squares Maggiore and Neptune. The activity was divided into two distinct phases, the first was concerned with surveying the current state of lighting of the fountain and the adjacent spaces; the second focused on drafting proposals for a new lighting system, based on new LED technologies, of the fountain of Neptune and the areas immediately surrounding which was  presented by means of synthetic images derived from the digital reconstruction of the site. This article presents the working method applied and the results achieved.


Cultural heritage; Lighting survey; Lighting design; Automatic photogrammetry; Digital reconstruction

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Copyright (c) 2019 Andrea Siniscalco, Maurizio Rossi, Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano