
Otranto Treasures in 3D


Otranto is an Italian city located on the Adriatic coast of the Salento peninsula, on the easternmost stretch of Italy. Always considered one of the pearls of the Mediterranean, Otranto exudes a timeless charm, with its countless historical, artistic and naturalistic beauties. "Otranto Treasures in 3D" is a video-documentary that tells the millennial charm of Otranto’s, landscape, culture and nature through video footage and 3D reconstructions. The video allows a guided virtual tour of the wonders of Otranto, to discover this ancient town, to know and admire its churches and its splendid monuments and some ancient settlements and archaeological sites of remarkable relevance, such as the Grotta dei Cervi in Porto Badisco, and to dive into a crystal blue sea, a realm of enchanting habitats rich in biodiversity and spectacular backdrops.


Otranto, Porto Badisco, 3D movies, CoCoNet, Mediterranean in 3D, Underwater 3D filming, Grotta dei Cervi, Deer Cave, Aragonese Castle, Castel's Chapel, Donna Teresa de Azevedo, Three-dimensional reconstruction, Virtual representation, 3D models, ...

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano