
Editorial. Virtual models and scientific value


This number of SCIRES-IT is a special issue on Virtual Models and Scientific Value, which summarises significant outcomes from the international meeting and conference series on “3D models in the history of art, architecture and archaeology”. Key topics include the documentation and analysis of architecture with digital means, processes of and tools for the semi-automatic analysis of e.g. point cloud representations, practices of modelling and the use of virtual models for answering innovative research questions in architectural history. Collaboration and exchange platforms for digitally native projects, which aim at preserving and fostering their scientific quality, are a further focus


SCIRES-IT, Editorial, SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, Open Access Journal, Virtual Model, Built Heritage, Architectural History

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Denard, H. (ed.) (7 February 2009). The London Charter for the computer-based visualisation of cultural heritage. Retrieved from .

De Luca, L. (2015). What do Thirty-One Columns say about a ‚Theoretical‘ Thirty-Second? Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 1(2015), DOI: .

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano