
The integrated survey for the recovery of the former hospital/monastery of San Pietro in Luco di Mugello


The article presents the results of research on the former monastery-hospital of San Pietro in Luco di Mugello, studied from a historical point of view and analyzed by means of an integrated survey. The aerial photogrammetry with drone and the laser scanner survey have made it possible to investigate the architectural complex in depth even by virtually entering it. The representation obtained presents a millimetric correctness necessary in confirming the stratigraphic investigation and useful for defining the current state in which it is located. The study was aimed at revaluing the architecture and blocking the advanced state of degradation, the result of poor maintenance and abandonment of the last decades, providing a useful basis also for a hypothesis of reuse of the structure.


Three-dimensional survey; convent; hospital; laser scanner; photogrammetry; Luco di Mugello

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano