
Editorial SCIRES-IT. New technologies for integrated and sustainable enhancement and enjoyment of cultural, environmental and natural heritage


This No. 1 issue of vol. 12 (2022) of SCIRES-IT (SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology), like the previous No. 2 issue of vol. 11 (2021), collects interesting articles on Cultural and Environmental Heritage and the application of various innovative techniques and technologies. It also hosts some selected works on color techniques and two other contributions on innovative projects on Dante and the Divine Comedy carried out on the occasion of Dante's 700th anniversary. At the same time of the publication of both issues, in line with SCIRES-IT's Manifesto and Editorial Project, "Eco-sustainable Open Access Publications", an environmental restoration project was initiated, and largely implemented, by planting local ecotypes of native species.


SCIRES-IT; Editorial; SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology; Cultural and Environmental Heritage; Multimedia Technologies; Eco-sustainable Publications; Divine Comedy; Dante Alighieri

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Danteoline. Sito web dedicato a Dante, alla sua biografia, al suo tempo, alla sua opera. Con un’ampia raccolta di manoscritti consultabile in rete (2020). Comitato scientifico Società Dantesca Italiana. Retrieved from

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Manitta, A. (2020). La Botanica di Dante, Piante erbacee nella Commedia. Castiglione di Sicilia (CT): Il Convivio editore.

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SCIRES-IT Manifesto 2011 (2011). SCIRES-IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology. Retrived from

Valzano, V., & Gallo, G. (2021). Editorial. An issue of SCIRES-IT rich in content, 'colorful' and 'divine'.

SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(2), I-III. Retrieved from

Valzano, V., & Sartor, G. (2021). Dante as an ecologist and poet in the world. “Divine illustrations” by Gustave Doré. An open access multimedia project. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(2), 41-56. Retrieved from

Valzano, V., Sartor, G., Romani, M., & Accogli, R. (2022). Dante's journey in the Botanical Garden. SCIRES‐IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 12(1), 67-76. Retrieved from

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano