
Digital and Physical Replicas for the Study and Valorisation of Archaeological Artefacts: the Lead Seal of Pope Gregory Ix from the Archaeological Excavation at Amiternum (Aq)


The research presented in this paper illustrates the results of the digitisation and 3D printing process carried out on the papal seal of Pope Gregory IX, an archaeological artefact found during excavation activities at the archaeological site of Amiternum (AQ). The 3D model obtained from the laser scanner survey was the starting point for making some considerations on the artefact and realising its physical replica. The results achieved highlight the effectiveness of the 3D digital survey and the advantages deriving from the use of digital technologies both in the field of documentation for knowledge and analysis and in the fruition and valorisation of the archaeological heritage.


Digital heritage; Phygital Heritage; 3D scanning; 3D printing; Knowledge and documentation; Conservation and valorisation

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano