
HBIM to Support the Executive Design of a Restoration. Critical Issues Related to Geometric and Semantic Modeling


In recent years, the Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been the subject of extensive scientific literature. However, its application in historical construction still requires theoretical research and experimentation. The primary drawback is linked to the fact that historical heritage does not align with the standardization principles inherent in BIM modeling, which is predominantly tailored for new construction endeavors. The application of BIM modeling to the Oratory of S. Giovanni Battista in Bussana Vecchia, Sanremo (Imperia) aims to conduct a critical analysis of the methodology by creating an intelligent parametric 3D model capable of containing all the information necessary for an executive restoration project of the object.


HBIM; 3D modelling; geometric modelling; semantic modelling; data enrichment; Architectural Heritage restoration

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano