
CONSERVATION 3.0 – Cultural Heritage as a driver for regional growth


Cultural heritage as well as its interpretation are in constant flux. Conservation principles and praxes have also been changed according to new challenges and opportunities which have occurred in times of sustainable development and smart specialisation strategies. This study discusses the development of the cultural heritage sector since the 1960s. Pier Luigi Sacco’s concept, Culture 3.0, is used as a point of departure to understand the development from a supply-driven conservation praxis, Conservation 1.0 (with focus on protection), via Conservation 2.0 (with conservation and restoration in focus), to a demand-driven conservation praxis, Conservation 3.0, with focus on adaptive re-use and spill-over effects in connection with sustainable development and regional growth. Going from protection to pro-action, cultural heritage advocators need to leave their comfort zone and enter the trading zone.


Conservation; cultural heritage; smart specialisation strategies; regional growth; trading zone

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano