
The Nubian village of Balle: Social and spatial structure explained using a virtual model


Our ethnoarchaeological investigation of the Nubian island of Bijje in southern Egypt made special methodological demands on the integration of ethnological and architectural research data. Evaluation and analysis of the architectural heritage under study was conducted on the basis of classical building research methods and interviews with former inhabitants. The results can be presented only in context. We aimed at linkage of all data in a single data model. In this paper, the methodological approach of data management is described in detail.


architecture, ethnoarchaeology, Nubia

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Copyright (c) 2020 Hermann Schlimme, Bernadeta Schäfer, Olga Zenker, Constanze Bieber

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano